Direct Indirect Speech / Direct and Indirect Speech in English Grammar
अंग्रेजी भाषा में किसी भी वाक्य को बोलने के दो तरीके होते हैं
- Direct Speech
- Indirect Speech
ये दोनों तरीके किसी भी मैसेज को एक व्यक्ति से दूसरे व्यक्ति तक पहुंचाने के लिए यूज किये जाते हैं
For Example: आप अपने स्कूल गए हैं. श्री रामप्रकाश जो कि आपके टीचर हैं आपसे कहते हैं कि
“I want to meet your parents.” अब आप घर आते हैं तो अपने माता पिता को कैसे इन्फॉर्म करेंगे इसके दो तरीके हैं:
Direct Speech: Mr. Ramprakash said, “I want to meet your parents”.
Indirect Speech: Mr. Ramprakash said that he wanted to meet my parents.
एक दूसरा उदाहरण देखिये, आप मार्किट में घूम रहे हैं वहाँ आपकी एक दोस्त प्रिया मिलती है प्रिया आपसे कहती है कि “I love you”. अब आप अपने घर लौटते हैं और ये बात अपने भाई से बताते हैं. इस बात को बताने के दो तरीके हैं
Direct Speech: Priya said, “I love you”.
Indirect Speech: Priya said that she loved me.
Note: Direct and Indirect Speech को Direct and Indirect Narration भी कहते हैं
Direct Indirect Speech
Difference between Direct and Indirect Speech
Direct Speech में वक्ता के कहे हुए शब्दों को ठीक उसी प्रकार बिना बदलाव किये कह देते हैं वक्ता द्वारा कहे हुए exact words को हम इनवर्टेड कॉमा या कोटेशन मार्क के अन्दर रखते हैं. Direct Speech में said के बाद हमेशा एक कॉमा का प्रयोग करते हैं
For example:
He said, I am going to school.
Indirect Speech में वक्ता द्वारा कहे हुए वाक्य को चेंज करते हैं. वक्ता द्वारा कहे हुए वाक्य को चेंज करने कारण ये है कि वो वाक्य वक्ता द्वारा भूतकाल में कहा गया होता है और हम इसे किसी दुसरे से वर्तमान में बता रहे होते हैं. इसीप्रकार उस वाक्य के सर्वनाम (Pronoun) को भी चेंज करते हैं
Indirect Speech में वक्ता द्वारा कहे हुए वाक्य को इनवर्टेड कॉमा में बंद नही करते हैं. इसमें said के बाद और वक्ता द्वारा कहे हुए वाक्य को जोड़ने के लिए एक वर्ड that का प्रयोग होता है
For example:
Direct Speech: He said, “I am going to school”.
Indirect Speech: He said that he was going to school.
How to convert Direct Speech into Indirect Speech
सबसे पहले Direct speech वाले sentence के दो components को देखिये.
- Reporting Verb
- Reported Speech
Reporting Verb: First sentence का verb जो दुसरा sentence शुरू होने से ठीक पहले यूज़ होता है जैसे: she said, he said, she says, they said, they say etc.) Reporting verb कहलाता है
She said, “I am listening to music”
He says, “You are an intelligent student”
You will say, “I need your help”
Reported Speech: दुसरा वाक्य जो वक्ता द्वारा कहा गया एक्चुअल वाक्य होता है और जो Inverted Commas या Quotation Marks में होता है reported speech कहलाता है
He said, “I got a job in college”
She says, “I want to become a doctor”
They said, “We play football in the playground”
Basic Rules for Indirect Speech
Rule No. 1. Words of the speaker (reported speech) are not enclosed in Inverted Commas or Quotation Marks in Indirect Speech.
वक्ता का कहा हुआ वाक्य (reported speech) Indirect speech में Inverted Commas or Quotation Marks में नहीं रहता है
Direct Indirect Speech
Rule No. 2. Usage of word that: The conjunction that is always used between reporting verb and reported speech in indirect speech.
एक conjunction “that” का इस्तेमालIndirect speech में reporting verb and reported speech के बीच में होता है
Direct Speech: He said, I write a letter.
Indirect Speech: He said that he wrote a letter.
Rule No. 3. Change in tense of the reported speech: Direct speech को Indirect speech बनाते समय Reported speech का tense बदल दिया जाता है. अगर Reporting verb present tense या future tense में हो तो Reported speech का tense नहीं बदलते हैं. Reported speech का tense केवल तभी बदला जाता है जब Reporting verb Past tense में हो.
Direct Speech: He says I am playing cricket.
Indirect Speech: He says that he is playing cricket. (No change in tense)
Direct Speech: She <u>said</u>, I am watching a movie.
Indirect Speech: She said that <u>she was watching a movie (Tense changed)
इसे भी पढ़ें: Active and Passive Voice in English Grammar
Rule No. 4. Changes in Pronoun:
Reported speech का subject or pronoun Reporting verb के subject or pronoun के हिसाब से बदल जाता है
The possessive pronouns (i.e. his, her, my, their, your etc.) may also change according to subject or object of the first sentence.
Direct Speech: He said, I eat two apples.
Indirect Speech: He said that he ate two apples.
Direct Speech: She said to me, I like your book
Indirect Speech: She said to me that she liked my book.
Rule No. 5. Change in Time: If there is time mentioned in the sentence of Direct speech, the time will be changed in Indirect Speech. There are certain rules changing the time. i.e. not into then, tomorrow into the next day, today into that day, yesterday into the previous day.
Direct Indirect Speech
Direct Speech: She said, I am buying a laptop today
Indirect Speech: She said that she was buying a laptop <u>that day
Direct Speech: He said, I need your now
Indirect Speech: He said that he needed my help then
I am very happy
I said to them ,”every one is mad “